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Back to Blockchain - Restarting My Solidity Adventure

Taking another crack at Solidity to broaden my development skills and explore the exciting world of blockchain.

I've been pondering what tech stack to focus on next. Don't get me wrong, I love working with React and Typescript, but I feel like it is time to broaden my skillset a little. So, I've decided to dive back into something that's always caught my interest: Solidity and blockchain development. I'm currently working in the crypto space, am very bullish on the technology, so it seems like a perfect fit to complement my Javascript skills.

Why Am I Going Back to Solidity?

Blockchain technology has always intrigued me. There's something about its promise for a more secure and transparent digital world that I find compelling. Plus, the technical challenges it presents are the kind you really want to get stuck into.

Picking a niche isn't just about job prospects; it's about choosing something that keeps you glued to the screen.

What Have I Done Before?

I've dabbled in Solidity in the past. Completed a few tutorials, even wrote a faucet contract foe developers to request and donate test eth. It was good fun, but for one reason or another I lost focus and spent time enhancing my frontend skills for current work responsibilities . Now, I'm keen to get back to it and go a bit deeper.

The Plan of Action

I'm hitting the ground running. I'm starting fresh with CryptoZombies, an interactive course that teaches Solidity through coding your own zombie game. I have been through the beginner to intermediate course once before, but I think a refresher is a smart starting point. Alongside that, I'm diving into core blockchain concepts.

  • Investigating different smart contract applications
  • Hands-on work with tools like Truffle and Web3.js
  • Building a few small to medium-sized dApps

What’s Next?

I’ll be sharing my progress as I go along. Expect updates, new findings, and hopefully, some useful resources. If you're on a similar journey or are thinking about diving in, give me a shout.

That's it for now. If the world of smart contracts and dApps excites you as much as it does me, keep an eye out. We're just getting started.

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