This page was inspired by the now movement by @Sivers

last updated: January 2024

Work & Learning

Career growth. In me early years I was obsessed with growth and becoming a better engineer, but over the years I have got a little comfortable and complacent. However, the itch is back, I really want to delve back in, work hard and see where I can go!

Cielo: Still working hard in the Cielo Finance project, we have shipped some big things lately and there is more to come. I'm naturally very bullish on the project, the team and crypto in general. I'm excited to see where we can take this.

Cielo used python for the backend, I really want to start working more accross the full stack again, so to do that here I need to get up to speed with Python. I've made a start, it's slow going so far, but hopefully I can push on in the coming weeks


Family Man: Striving to be the best dad and husband (to be) I can be, while juggling work and other passions.

Constant Learner: Always exploring new ideas and projects to keep things fresh.

Indie Dreamer: Fantasising about the one-person business life and joining the ranks of Indie Hackers.


I am trying to find a better balance between work and life, I have a tendency to get obsessed with work and let it take over my life. I am trying to be more mindful of this and make sure I am spending time with my family and friends, and also taking time to relax and recharge. I started playing 7-a-side football again, which is a great way to get some exercise and socialise. Alongside this I am still working hard with the thai boxing, fitness and technique are improving, but I still have a long way to go.