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Everything coming together.

I mentioned in my last post that one of my goals this year was to get my finances in order. I'm happy to report that I've made some progress on that frontand so far so good in terms of following my plan.

Other aspects of my life are also coming together nicely. I've been working hard on my health and fitness, and I'm starting to see some real progress. I'm playing both 7-a-side and squash regularly, and I'm feeling fitter and stronger than I have in a long time.

Work has been going really well also, I have been given a lot of responsibility and I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm learning a lot and I feel like I'm really growing as an enginner every day. Outside of building new features and getting to frips with NextJS, I've been working on my documentation and communication skills, which is something I've been wanting to improve for a while.

Confluence is now my second home, and I'm getting better at writing clear and concise documentation both for the engineering team and for the wider business. I've also been working on my communication skills, and I'm getting better at explaining complex technical concepts to non-technical people.

Overall everything is extremely positive at the moment, and I'm feeling really good about the direction my life is heading in. I'm excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for me.

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