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Planning for the Future: Finally...

2024 is finally the year I get my finances in order. Posting for accountability.

For many years I have shyed away from investing, for a number of reasons. Usually because of being super short sighted and thinking of the short term gains and being very underwhelmed by them.

Of course, the real power of investing is the long term, the compounding nature of it. I have always known this, but never really put it into practice.

Of course we are never too late. I have spent a lot of time and effort homing my craft and investing in myself and my career. I think working on your earning potential is the best first step anyone can take.

However now I am ready, I have been DCAing into crypto for a while now, which I am still happy with, but now is the time to diversify a little and start getting my hard earned into some more traditional investments.

Nothing fancy, will be sticking everything into a S&S ISA - a global fund - and just letting it sit there for the next 20 years. I am not necessarily looking to retire early, but I a little FU money would be nice!

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