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Introducing my latest project hooked-on-react. A collection of typesafe React hooks.

I'm excited to share a project that's been brewing for a little while - Hooked-on-React, a library of React hooks designed to streamline your development process and enhance your applications with ease. It's very barebones at the moment, but I'm excited to see how it grows and evolves over time.


Open source is something I have loved about the software industry since I got started in it. I started this project with a few goals in mind, but first and foremost - a desire to contribute something valuable back to the community. Authoring my own open source library seemed like a daunting task at first, but that's when we grow, when we are uncomfortable and challenged.

Solving my own problems

As a developer, I often found myself rewriting similar patterns and logic across different projects. React hooks have always been a powerful way to extract and share logic, but there wasn't always a hook for every need. Everybody always says you should solve your own problems and that's where Hooked-on-React comes in - a single place where you can find a hook for those common, repetitive patterns.

Work in Progress

The library is live, but it's still growing. New hooks will be added, improvements will be made, and feedback will be incorporated. It's the kind of project that never really finishes.

Get Involved

Whether you're looking to use the hooks in your project, contribute to the library, or simply want to learn more, I encourage you to get involved. Check out the GitHub repository and the documentation to get started.

GitHub Repository: Hooked-on-React

Documentation Repository: Hooked-on-React-Docs

Live Documentation: hooked-on-react.xyz

I'm looking forward to seeing how Hooked-on-React can support your projects, and I can't wait to collaborate with many of you to make it even better.

Here's to many lines of code saved and many headaches avoided!

Happy coding!


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